„One of most significant intellectual phenomena in European history starting from the eighteenth century is the way evolving national consciousnesses function and the presence of nationalism that developed thereof. In Hungarian history and historiography this multifaceted development began in the nineteenth century.
„One of most significant intellectual phenomena in European history starting from the eighteenth century is the way evolving national consciousnesses function and the presence of nationalism that developed thereof. In Hungarian history and historiography this multifaceted development began in the nineteenth century.
This paper addresses a Hungarian historical phenomenon, the House of Árpád as well as the (history of the) interpretation of the claim that the House of Árpád is a national dynasty. A peculiar mixture of faith, knowledge and interpretation appears here, thus scholarship, imagination and identity become blurred together. Faith, for many, makes knowledge meaningful, while knowledge often does not give meaning to faith. In the case at hand, both the presumptuousness of scholarship targeting certainty and the fable-like features ot the nationalized past will be seen.”
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